AKHE is now on residence at the National Center for Street Arts and Public Space,
Moulin Fondu with work in progress around the show “Icarus”. AKHE and the Moulin Fondu invite you to discover a stage of creation and, at the end, to participate in a time of exchange and conviviality. The presentation will take place Wednesday, December 14 at 2:30 p.m. in the courtyard of the Center. Duration 30-40 min.
Address: 3 rue Marcel Bourgogne, 95140 Garges-lès-Gonesse
𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐑US – show, Installation, new circus, physical theater – creation for 2023 . “Icar” is inspired by the well-known ancient myth of Icarus, who died after flying too close to the Sun while escaping from a labyrinth using wax wings and feathers created by his father Daedalus. The show is about the price of freedom and the only way to get it. The Escape of Icarus resonates with our experience, and encourages us to reinvent the brilliant constructions of Daedalus in our own way.